Thursday, 12 January 2012

Introductions are in order...

My name is Abbey and I'm a 2nd year Anthropology major here at UVIC.  I'm also a returning student, who after suffering a not-quite midlife crisis, has returned to the academic arena to pursue what has always been a passion of mine and will now hopefully also be a career...Anthropology.  I hold a degree in Hospitality Management and have spent the better part of my life working at various hotels around the world.
I have a voracious appetite for knowledge, love to read, and am addicted to random trivia.  I idolize Stephen Fry. I chose to take this class as I am fascinated by peoples beliefs of an afterlife and learning about mortuary archaeology seemed like a class that would be stimulating and engaging.
I also enjoy a good debate and am known to always have an opinion (on everything).  I love collaboration and the sharing of ideas and look forward to hearing some good ones as the class continues!

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